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Radiance - Riverside Glass ?
Radiance - New Martinsville Glass Co
Rainbow Lustre Candlesticks - Diamond
Raindrops - Dugan
Ranger - Imperial
Ranger and Block - Jenkins
Also See Blocks and Arches
Raspberry - Northwood
Rays and Ribbons - Millersburg
List of bowls flattened into plates
Rib and Panel - Imperial
Ribbon Tie - Fenton
Rineharts, A Tribute to
Ripple Vases - Imperial
Rising Sun - US Glass
Robin - Imperial
Rock Crystal - McKee
Rococo - Imperial
Rood's Chocolates
Rosalind - Millersburg
Rose Column - Millersburg
Rose Pinwheel
Rose Show - Northwood
Rose Spray - Fenton
Roses and Fruit - Millersburg
Roses and Greek Key - Unknown Maker
Rosette - Northwood
Roundup - Dugan
Royal Lustre - Diamond Glass
Royalty - Imperial
Rustic - Fenton
Rustic Type
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:
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