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Dahlia - Jenkins
Dahlia - Dugan
Dahlia Variant - Dugan
Daisy - Fenton
Daisy Basket - Imperial
Daisy and Button - Various Makers
Daisy and Drape Vases - Northwood
Daisy and Plume - Dugan
Daisy and Plume - Northwood
Daisy Cut Bell - Fenton
Daisy Dear - Dugan
Daisy Squares - Westmoreland
Daisy Web - Dugan
Daisy Wreath - Westmoreland
Dandelion - Northwood
Dandelion Water Sets:
Decorated Carnival Glass
Decorated Fenton Water Sets
Deep Grape - Millersburg
Delta Base or Colonial Candlesticks - Imperial #41
Detroit 1910 Elk Bowls
Diamond #900
Diamond and Daisy Cut
Diamond Point Vases - Northwood
Diamond & Rib Vases - Fenton
Standard Vases
Diamond and Sunburst - Imperial
Diamond Block - Imperial
Diamond Lace
Diamond Point Columns
Diamond Point Spiral - McKee
Diamond Ring - Imperial
Diamonds - Millersburg
Diamonds - US Glass
Diamonds in Snow - Millersburg
Disgusting Make-Overs
Dogwood Sprays - Dugan - Diamond
Dolphins - Millersburg
Dorsey and Funkenstein - Fenton
Double Loop - Northwood
Double Scroll - Imperial
Double Scroll Swirl - Imperial
Double Star - Cambridge
Double Stemmed Rose
Dozen Roses - Unknown Maker
Dragon and Lotus
Yellow Opal Slag collar base bowl
Dragon and Strawberry - Fenton
Drapery - Northwood
Drapery Vases
Drapery Variant Vases
Drapery Variant - Riihimaki
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