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Helios - Part 4
HELIOS - Part 4
Anyone who has attended a number of carnival glass auctions over a given period of time will attest to the fact that although fairly large amounts of this color were produced, an example of it is not evident in large collections of vintage carnival glass. The variety of shapes and patterns is selective. Reasonable quantities of the naturalistic designs, such as Pansy, Imperial's Grape, Heavy Grape, Lustre and Open Rose can be found when shopping antique malls. Designs in the geometric category are rarely seen in Helios. Having a predominately silver/gold iridescent sheen with little, if any, multicolored luster, Helios seems to be one of the least popular colors among today's collectors. However, we need to keep in mind that Imperial must have found it to be a substantial seller. Otherwise, some of the patterns would not have been brought forth into the period of reproductions in the 1960s -`70s timeframe. Perhaps it found a utilitarian purpose by the purchasers; thus many pieces were broken over the ensuing years?
Dean & Diane Fry - 3-09
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