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Westmoreland - Part 8
2.5 in. tall x 2.5 in. wide.
(Paneled with Floral Design - SIMPLICITY SCROLL): The finish and basic scrollwork on this piece is of the same quality used on the Simplicity Scroll cigar holder and toothpick shown in our Westmoreland - Part 2. Please take a look! The three of these which we have examined are black amethyst base glass.
CONCAVE FLUTE Rose Bowl: Essentially this is reshaping of the vase mold. An un-swung vase is simply flattened into this shape. Notice that the number of flutes (9) are the same in both vase and rose bowl. Amethyst, Aqua and Marigold are known colors.
CONCAVE FLUTE Vases: These vases have 9 flutes or panels and a starred base of 3 1/8” diameter. Teal, amber, amethyst, green, and marigold are found in the straight vases. Jack-in-the-pulpit shape vases are known in amethyst, blue opal, marigold over moonstone and teal.
KEYSTONE COLONIAL: This 6 ½” tall compote is so seldom seen, it is a virtual unknown. The three reported examples all carry the “keystone trademark” containing a “W”. The only color known is dark purple.
FILE & FAN: Compotes in this pattern do not often present themselves. The color range is limited to Blue opal, marigold, marigold over milk glass and peach opal.
270 Compote in Amber.
Westmoreland gave this pattern the number 252.
TWO-SEVENTY Compote: Marigold over moonstone and amethyst examples may be viewed in our Westmoreland - Part 4 segment. The amber compote shown here is quite unusual. Blue opal, blue/milk glass, marigold over milk glass, teal and aqua/teal are additionally found colors.
PRISMS: 5” across, the opening, 7 ¼” across the handles, and 2 ½” tall, these could be termed footed bonbons or compotes, whichever you feel applies. Amethyst, marigold, and teal are the prime colors found.
6.5 in. high x 4.5 in. diameter across top.
Rare Amethyst.
DAISY SQUARES: Other examples in this pattern can be viewed in our Westmoreland - Part 7 segment. We display this rare amethyst example because within any given five-year period, with lime green, marigold, and amber being sold at auction in compote, cuspidor and rose bowl shapes numbering as many as 16, only a single example in amethyst becomes available!!
Dean & Diane Fry - 05/08
Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:
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