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Dugan - Part 15
Dugan - Part 15

BELLS & BEADS in Peach Opal.
7.5 in. BELLS & BEADS in White Opal
7.5 in. BELLS & BEADS in White Opal.

BELLS & BEADS: There is tremendous variation in the peach opalescent coloration on Dugan examples. Perhaps that is the reason it has never been a top seller among collectors? We once owned 15 pieces in various patterns. When setting them all together in a close grouping, it did not require much time to select the favored six or seven! The others were sold. Since then, only the examples with solid, pumpkin color, such as this gorgeous Bells & Beads have attracted us.
Viewers can decide for themselves about the two white opal examples seen here. When Carl O. Burns wrote his 1999 book on Dugan/Diamond, he stated that no white examples in this pattern had ever surfaced, suspecting that the molds may have been destroyed in the 1912 fire. Dugan had placed the pattern into production in March of 1910. As compared with Double Stem Rose, for instance, this is not an easy pattern to locate!
We do not know whether the pattern had been in the previous opalescent line. We cannot locate the precise pattern from the Butler Bros. ads available to us, but that is not conclusive. The point of fact is that both these “white opal” bowls “appear” to have been sprayed in center with amethyst, then have a weak marigold overspray on the one, and a rather clear overspray on the other. WHO and WHEN these experiments were implemented cannot be ascertained at this point. Buyer BEWARE!
Another peach opalescent bowl may be viewed in Dugan Peach Opal - Part 4.  A couple of purple ruffled bowls may be seen in Dugan - Part 8, along with more detailed information surrounding the overall pattern.

White DOUBLE STEMMED ROSE.9.25 in. Bowl.Courtesy Reichel Auctions
White DOUBLE STEMMED ROSE - 9.25 in. Bowl.
Courtesy Reichel Auctions

DOUBLE STEMMED ROSE:  Dugan produced many dome-footed patterns. This particular pattern experienced one of the longest runs of any from Dugan/Diamond. Wholesale catalogs displayed it from 1916 through 1927. Since there are so many white and peach opal examples, the design must have originated with Dugan, dating initially from the 1911-1912 time period. These 8”-9” bowls were extremely popular with buyers. The bowl edges can be found having six, eight, or ten ruffles. However, round, deep examples are seen most often.
Sometimes a “plate form with edges which turn up” is referred to. However, when using the more logical description of a “plate”, offered many years ago by the eminent Don Moore. “If you can’t scoot the food off the flat edge as with a dinner plate, then it’s NOT a plate”! RIGHT ON! We fully agree. The color range is adequate to allow for repeated collector interest! Marigold, amethyst and white examples being most available. Peach opalescent may require more persistence. Cobalt blue is more difficult. Lavender, aqua, celeste blue, green, ice green, olive green and cobalt blue opalescent will require greater determination!

HONEYCOMB 6 in. Plate-Purple.
HONEYCOMB 6 in. Plate - Purple.
HONEYCOMB-6.5 in. CRE-Peach Opal.
HONEYCOMB - 6.5 in. CRE - Peach Opal.
HONEYCOMB-P.O. 7 in. diamFLOWERS & BEADS Exterior of Honeycomb-7 in. diam. in Peach Opal.j
HONEYCOMB in Peach Opal -  7 inch diameter with Flowers and Beads Exterior.
HONEYCOMB 7 in. Tri-Corner TCR edge.-Amethyst-Ext. not iridized.HONEYCOMB  Bowl in purple - 7 in. across x 2 in. deep. Has non-irid. smooth exterior.
Left - HONEYCOMB 7 in. Tri-Corner TCR edge. - Amethyst - Exterior not iridized.
Right - HONEYCOMB Bowl in purple - 7 in. across x 2 in. deep. Has non-irid. smooth exterior.
HONEYCOMB bowl with smooth exterior. Marigold.Oxblood HONEYCOMB 7.5 in. Bowl.
Left - HONEYCOMB bowl with smooth exterior. Marigold.
Right - Oxblood HONEYCOMB 7.5 in. Bowl.

HONEYCOMB:  Yes, there is a Honeycomb rose bowl found in marigold and peach opalescent…….with some effort, we might add! These are a carry-over from the Venetian/Japanese art glass line, pre-carnival; entering the Dugan scene c. 1909-1911. The pronounced Honeycomb design on the rose-bowls is quite different from that found on the 5”-7” bowls and the 7” plates. These usually have a tightly crimped edge, the Honeycomb pattern is somewhat more flat, and the exterior can be without pattern, un-iridized or offer the Flowers & Beads exterior design.  Amethyst, marigold, peach opalescent and oxblood are known colors.

Dugan MAPLE LEAF stemmed berry, Ameth
Dugan MAPLE LEAF stemmed berry, Amethyst.

MAPLE LEAF Berry:  This stemmed berry from Dugan is a “design delight” and most, if not all offer the complimentary Peacock Tail interior design.  You can view a marigold set by clicking into –M- in our pattern alphabet listed on the homepage.  We also display an amethyst table set in this pattern. The Dugan “gunmetal” color treatment is somewhat objectionable to those of us who prefer the “essence of iridescence”, but experience dictates there to be many fewer berry sets than water sets in the Maple Leaf pattern;  and with marigold and amethyst dominating the color spectrum ahead of oxblood and cobalt blue, if your desires become overwhelming, then perhaps seizing the availability of whatever comes into view is your alternative?
This was part of the Helman diggings unearthed in the 1970s.  Both carnival and custard examples were found, indicating Northwood produced the custard version in water, table and berry sets,  a cruet, jelly compote, toothpick holder and salt/pepper shakers.  Dugan made the carnival versions, appearing in the late 1910 period.  After 1913, Diamond continued limited production until 1928.

Dean & Diane Fry, 3-3-12
Have you made that noble request: “Lord, what would you have me to do?”
Requests for health, healing, success, and even spiritual power are not wrong, but they can become selfish prayers if they do not flow from a heart determined to obey God.
Jesus said, “He who has My commandments and keeps them, It is he who loves Me. And he who loves me will be loved by My Father” (John 14:21)

Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:

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