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Millersburg - Part 4

DEEP GRAPE in the Round Shape.-Marigold. $2138. on Ebay - 2-07.
DEEP GRAPE in the Round Shape.-Marigold.
 $2138. on Ebay - 2-07.
DEEP GRAPE in Green - 7 in. tall.
DEEP GRAPE Compote-Marigold. $2200.
DEEP GRAPE in Green -
7 inches tall.
DEEP GRAPE Compote -
Marigold. $2200.

DEEP GRAPE:  Here is another lovely Grape pattern from Millersburg! These 7” compotes have a top opening of 5” - 7” in either square or round shape. One amethyst compote has a candy ribbon edge. One blue example is known, with typical colors being amethyst, green or marigold carnival.
One green Deep Grape rose bowl is known. It stands 71/8” high with a 3 ¾” top opening. This is a lovely piece, and a top rarity. It sold in 1991 for $7,000.
These are very desirable compotes and always bring premium dollars when available for sale! The finish is satin, indicating they were being produced before development of radium.

Six inch COSMOS in ice cream shape.
 Six inch COSMOS in ice cream shape.
COSMOS 6 in. in Green.
COSMOS - 6 inch in Green.

COSMOS:  Three shapes are known in this pattern and they are all found in green. Some have satin finish and others are endowed with radium finish. A 6” ice cream shape, a 6” flat plate, along with a deep ruffled sauce dish comprise the offering. They do not require much effort to locate. Price is nominal for any of the shapes. No Millersburg collection is complete without at least one example.

H.CHERRIES 11 in. Chop Plate. Only one known.
HANGING CHERRIES - 8.75 in. diam. turned up plate. Reserve not met.$360.on eBay-10-25-06
H.CHERRIES 11 in. Chop Plate.
Only one known.
HANGING CHERRIES - 8.75 in. diam. turned up plate. Reserve not met.
$360.on eBay-10-25-06
HANGING CHERRIES 7.5 in. Plate in Amethyst.
HANGING CHERRIES 8 in. Plate, Amethyst - only one known. Sold at HOACGA Wroda Auction 2006 -$2700. Only 1
Plate in Amethyst.
HANGING CHERRIES 8 in. Plate, Amethyst - only one known. Sold at HOACGA Wroda Auction 2006 -$2700.
HANGING CHERRIES Compote, Marigold.$1500
 HANGING CHERRIES Compote, Marigold.$1500
Rare size here. 6.25 in. HANGING CHERRIES Sauce with Satin irid.
7.25 in. HANGING CHERRIES IC S Bowl with super Satin iridescence.
Rare size here. 6.25 inch HANGING CHERRIES Sauce
with Satin iridescence.
IC shape Bowl with super
Satin iridescence.

HANGING CHERRIES: Definite hanging cherries with stippled leaves in the design, this pattern name covers the subject more definitively than its earlier name: Millersburg Cherries. This is one of the earliest production numbers, with more satin examples found than radium.
 An Oct. 1987 issue of the Holmes County Farmer-Hub, a statement by local Millersburg collector of that era named Lucille Lowe offered this bit of history relating to John W. Fenton's interest in cherries: “ It is said that the Millersburg glass maker had a special fondness for sweet Black heart cherries and there were several of these trees near the plant. At the noon hour he would entice some of the younger men to climb a tree and throw down small limbs to him. The famous Millersburg Hanging Cherries pieces are a special depiction he made of his favorite fruit.”
A couple of 6” ruffled bowls, a large ice cream bowl, a large ruffled bowl and a 6” sauce with 3/1 edge are known in blue, along with a  large compote known in blue. The other shapes in this pattern are found in amethyst, green and marigold.
In this segment, we are examining the only reported 11” green chop plate, and an 8” plate in green, an 8” flat plate in amethyst, and another “amethyst would be 8” plate if it did not have turned up edges.” The large marigold compote stands 6” tall with the bowl opening 7” in diameter. The lovely stem has a 4” diameter stem. A ruffled sauce and one in ice cream shape with super satin iridescence conclude our display.
Please click on ~~ H ~~ in our Pattern Alphabet on the homepage for views and information on other examples in this pattern.

Dean & Diane Fry   12-08

The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree,  he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.  
Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.  
They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing, to declare that the LORD is upright;
He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.
(Psalm 92:12-15)

Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:

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