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Northwood - Part 26
NORTHWOOD – Part  26

RARE I.G.-lime green- ACORN BURRS Punch Cup
RARE I.G. - lime green - ACORN BURRS Punch Cup.

ACORN BURRS punch cup:  Berry, table and water sets in this highly desirable pattern are actually quite scarce in any of the known colors: marigold, amethyst or green. (A few cups are known in cobalt blue, along with a punch base. A whimsey vase in amethyst is also known.)  Punch sets were produced beyond the marigold, amethyst and green time slot, into the later years of lighter colors. White, ice blue, ice green, aqua opalescent sets are known following Harry Northwood’s introduction of pastels in January 1912. Research indicates that the few aqua opal punch sets were produced between 1912-1914. If the other pastels were produced in this short period of time, perhaps that is the answer to their scarcity today. A full set sold in 2009, but separate ice green cups have numbered only 3 since 2006.

GRAPE LEAVES-Green-Unusual edge!
GRAPE LEAVES - Green - Unusual edge!
GRAPE LEAVES with BLOSSOMS and PALMS Exterior- Marigold.

GRAPE LEAVES:  The raised “N button” in the center of these bowls is always present. The iridized version appeared in a 1909 Butler Brothers wholesale catalog, making it one of the earliest of Northwood’s grape design carnival productions. Examples having six and eight ruffles, along with the “three and one” crimped edge were produced through 1912. Blossoms & Palms as the exterior pattern, lends additional interest in these bowls. 8”-9” ruffled bowls are found in marigold, amethyst, green, cobalt blue, lavender, clambroth, amber and ice blue. 3/1 edge bowls are found in marigold, amethyst, green and cobalt blue.

Amethyst ROSETTE ftd. bowl. $450. 3-09 Seeck Auction.
Amethyst ROSETTE ftd. bowl.
Sold for $450. 3-2009 Seeck Auction.
Green ROSETTE-VERY Scarce-Compare good and dull iridescence!
Green ROSETTE - VERY Scarce.
Compare good and dull iridescence!

ROSETTE:  Amethyst examples of this 7”-8 ½” bowl are seen more often than green or marigold.
Northwood purchased the RUFFLES & RINGS exterior mould from Jefferson Glass Co. of Follansbee, West Virginia in 1908.  Jefferson Glass had utilized the pattern on a variety of  non-iridized opalescent glass patterns. For more information surrounding RUFFLES & RINGS, you may click into NORTHWOOD - JEFFERSON MOLDS from the homepage index. Rosette production came early-on in the 1909-1910 era. Most examples are trademarked. Some of the iridescence can be on the dull side while other examples are quite striking and beautiful!

Only complete set GRAPE ARBOR in lime green.Courtesy Reichel Auctions.
Only complete set GRAPE ARBOR in lime green.
Courtesy Reichel Auctions.

GRAPE ARBOR water set:  The tankard has grapes nearly as large as the “real thing”. Marigold is the dominant color. However, Cobalt blue, amethyst, ice blue and white would seem to reveal extended production over many years, yet the sets are not plentiful. The lime green set shown here could well be the only one?  1911-1914 production included hat shapes (from tumblers) to include marigold, cobalt blue, white and ice green.

Lime Green ORIENTAL POPPY Tankard
Lime Green ORIENTAL POPPY Tankard.

ORIENTAL POPPY tankard:  Unusual  color in this pattern! Amethyst, Marigold, green, cobalt blue, white, ice blue and ice green are the usual colors, although lime green tumblers are known.

8 in. tall mid-size THIN RIB- marigold vase with (spout). Courtesy Jeff Schleede
8 in. tall mid-size THIN RIB- marigold vase with (spout).
Courtesy Jeff Schleede

THIN RIB Vase:  This midsize vase has a “spout”. Should anyone else have one, we would like to hear from you! Do you think it left the factory as such or was reheated to form that spout at some later point in time???

UPDATE: September 18, 2015 - THIN RIB Vase -  Another one! Brought to our attention by Jeff Schleede.

RASPBERRY Gravy Boat or Breakfast Creamer-Green
RASPBERRY Gravy Boat or Breakfast Creamer - Green.

RASPBERRY handled occasional piece: This handled, footed “occasional” piece is identical to the Dugan Fan “occasional” piece. Collectors refer to it as a gravy boat, but period advertising confirms its intended purpose as a breakfast creamer. Available in marigold, amethyst, green and teal, (with teal being the rarest color), these pieces are seen less often than the water sets in Raspberry pattern.

Lime Green Opal ROSE SHOW Bowl
Lime Green Opal ROSE SHOW Bowl.

ROSE SHOW bowl: The list of ruffled bowls within this popular pattern did not include lime green opal
when Carl Burns wrote his great book on Northwood glass in 2001. We must assume not many were produced in that color. The pattern dates from 1912-1914, believed to be another item made by Northwood for George Mortimer.
An emphatic statement made by Joyce Seale during her active collecting years was: “You can’t HAVE too many Rose Shows!”
Taking that into account, the sheer number of colors available would require some time and money to acquire! The 8”-9” ruffled bowls are found in marigold, amethyst, green, cobalt blue, white, ice blue, ice green, aqua opalescent, lime green—NOW-lime green opal, ice blue opalescent, ice green opalescent, horehound, aqua, sapphire blue, powder blue opalescent, and marigold on custard.

HEARTS & FLOWERS Compote in Smoke-Courtesy Seeck Auctions
HEARTS and FLOWERS Compote in Smoke.
Courtesy Seeck Auctions.
HEARTS & FLOWERS Compote in Blue
HEARTS and FLOWERS Compote in Blue.

HEARTS & FLOWERS compote:  More colors were made in this shape than in bowls or plates. Marigold, amethyst, green, cobalt blue, white, ice blue, ice green, lime green, aqua opalescent, lavender, clambroth,  Renninger blue, Smoke,  ice blue opalescent,  powder blue opalescent, sapphire blue, sapphire blue opalescent, cobalt blue opalescent, and marigold on custard are verified colors of this very popular collectible! Carl’s 2001 account did not include Smoke. You just thought you had collected all the colors!! (smile)           

Dean & Diane Fry -  July, 2013

I lift up my eyes to the hills----
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watchers over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
the Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm---
he will watch over your life,
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore. (Psalm 121)
Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:

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