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Dugan Glass - Part 2
HEAVY WEB Bowls: Scarcely ever available in the 10” bowl form. Since fragments of this design were unearthed at the plant site in Indiana, PA, we can be certain of the manufacturer. However, the production run must have been brief, or perhaps Heavy Web was a victim of the 1912 fire.
Bowls have been found with two sides pulled up into banana shape. Few square examples are known. Most bowls have a distinct eight ruffle shape.
Since Peach Opal examples in any pattern will vary greatly in depth of color/iridescence, the bowls/plates in Heavy Web are variously endowed.
GRAPE INTAGLIO Prints: The Grape Clusters exterior design seen on some examples was developed in 1907 as part of the Intaglio line of products documented in a Dugan Glass Co. Catalog. An “INTAGLIO FRUIT DECORATED” ASSORTMENT appeared in one of the early Butler Brothers Wholesale Catalogs.
The design is verified on page 54 of DUGAN/DIAMOND by Heacock, Measell and Wiggins.
GRAPE CLUSTERS Exterior: Ardonna Bucher shared this photo of her Heavy Web 12.5 in. plate showing the exterior, along with an angle of the usual factory ground marie area of the bowls and plates. In the process, some unevenness resulted, as clearly seen in the photo.
HEAVY WEB Chop Plates: Since Don Moore purchased the first plate during the 1980s, only a few more have surfaced. With no accurate count available, we would estimate a possible 6-8; perhaps fewer than that. Thick glass and heavy to handle, they do command attention (with delight!)
MORNING GLORY Exterior: Another Intaglio design in evidence here. Your guess is as good as anyone's, as to which of the two exterior designs are more prevalent.
TEN PANELS Hat: Larry Keig owns this tri-corner shaped example having the tightly crimped edge, along with a round shape having six ruffles. concluding that they have the Dugan “look” with typical satin iridescence found in many Dugan examples in various patterns. Because this hat with ten slightly concave panels pressed into the sides of the interior of the hat-the only shape we are aware of; and has not been previously discussed in earlier books on the subject, Larry has taken the liberty of applying a name which seems adequate and appropriate to the subject. There is no pattern in the center, or on the base of the interior or exterior. Exterior sides are not patterned, and the exterior of the three hats Larry has examined are not iridized. Neal Becker owns one of these hats, as well.
The hats are just over 6” at the widest point and have top diameters of a little less than 5”. They are about 3” tall, with base diameters of approximately 2 ¼”. All three examples are in amethyst. Do marigold and peach opal hats exist, or perhaps white examples? Time and patience may reveal answers to the unknown aspects surrounding this late-entrant into the carnival glass arena.
GRAPE ARBOR Bowl: Along in the 1980s, some large chunks of these bowls were discovered in the Dugan/Diamond dumpsite. Consensus dictates that these came from the 1910 -1912 era, along with the Butterfly and Tulip bowls, since each carries the Inverted Fan & Feather design on the exterior, meaning it is one of the carry-over patterns from opalescent production, pre-iridescence. These bowls stand on three curled feet.
Marigold examples turn up more frequently than amethyst, and most of them are nicely iridized. You will find marigold discussed and pictured in another segment, by clicking on - - in our Alphabet, to reach the pattern list. Cobalt blue bowls are quite rare with comparatively few of them known. Just one example in peach opalescent is known. Remaining in a collection for eight-ten-or more years is quite feasible in such rare circumstance.
GRAPEVINE LATTICE Plate: Surprisingly, these small 7” plates in marigold are quite scarce! Not easily found in amethyst, collectors should be aware that amethyst is a reproduction color in both plates and bowls. L.G. Wright performed the “honors”, along with making a new water set in the pattern. White and peach opalescent are additional vintage colors in these plates. (By clicking on - - in the Alphabet on our homepage, you can see/read about amethyst plates in this pattern.)
GRAPEVINE LATTICE Bowl: Low-ruffled bowls 6”-7” are fairly plentiful in this pattern and seen in many malls, shops, particularly in white and marigold. Amethyst examples may be somewhat more difficult to locate.
Dean & Diane Fry ~ 1/06
And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good?
But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you are blessed.
“And do not be afraid of their threats nor be troubled.”
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts,
and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you,
with meekness and fear; having a good conscience,
that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.
For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.
~~~~ 1 Peter 3:13-17
Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:
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