Orange Tree - Part 1
This pattern of renown is to Fenton what Grape & Cable is to Northwood, in many respects. Very few collections lack at least one example. Orange Tree is an extremely popular pattern and offers some interesting shapes. At the time molds were being designed, Florida and Southern Calif. were prime growing areas for the fruit trees. Unfortunately, many of the groves in both states have been cleared away for construction of homes and apartments.
Orange Tree was so popular with buyers that Fenton utilized it as an exterior pattern for their Cherry Chain plates and bowls, along with Rose Tree bowls.
ORANGE TREE 9 inch Plate with Trunk - Green
ORANGE TREE 9” PLATE - with Trunk: Notice the four Orange Trees having the trunk which extends into the center of the plate. This is a feature which many look for and desire when in the market for a 9” plate. The exterior pattern is called Bearded Berry. Perhaps six of this type are known in green. As long ago as 1993, a lovely example brought $5,250 at the famous Earl Bacon sale. Earl had already sold his first collection, and for the grouping sold in '93, he had accumulated only the supreme examples available. That auction realized more in total sales than any previous carnival glass auction of record!
Fairly available in marigold, clambroth, white and blue, considered rare in amethyst, blue opal (2 known), ice green (2-3 known), green (6 known), peach opal (1 known), and yellow (2 known). One of the ice green plates brought $16,000 in the mid - 1990's.
Elvis Randell, of OK wrote (after viewing them), an account of the two aqua opal plates in Orange Tree pattern for the Sept. '96 issue of the San Diego Club newsletter, saying they turned up in the San Francisco area in the late `80's. The butterscotch opal is found only on the exterior surface. One of them, having a heatcheck, brought $15,000 when sold in the mid-`90's. Since that time, one brought $16,000 at auction.
There is also a collar base bowl, ruffled (more scarce than the plates) and having the trunk feature.
ORANGE TREE Standard 9 inch Plate - Blue - showing only Scale Band in center
STANDARD ORANGE TREE 9” PLATE: Prices for this version are more in line with the average pocket book. While they may be more available than the ones having the trunk, they can be quite beautiful and desirable when the iridescence and quality meet expectations.
If most of us wait to purchase a plate having the trunk, we might never be able to enjoy the pleasures of display which this design employs. Great iridescence is the quality most of us strive to achieve in our collecting, not just the aspect of rarity.
ORANGE TREE OPEN SUGAR: What could well be the only known sugar from the breakfast set of open sugar/creamer in the Orange Tree pattern in ~~RED~~is provided here for your appraisal. Donna Adler found this rarity! There are none on record as having sold in this color, nor is it included in the list of colors known in the pattern. Seeing is believing! Complete two-piece sets in any of the known colors of marigold, blue, green, amethyst, or white are scarce. These are slightly smaller in size than the sugar which accompanies four piece sets, and all have the collar base. All four piece sets are known to be the footed version of Orange Tree. (small square-ish feet).
ORANGE TREE OPEN SUGAR: in white is an extremely rare piece of glass! These are so seldom seen that many collectors have never actually seen an example. One would think that with so many bowls/plates available in this pattern, none of the shapes could possibly be rare, but here is proof………….and very likely would not cost much if you could locate one! ………..another “rare-so-what”! This is a fun piece to have in a collection!
ORANGE TREE MUG~large size~in red: This example pictured is called the Shaving Mug size. It is more flared at the top, and larger around than the smaller drinking mug. It has a base of 3”. The smaller drinking cup size can also be found in red.
This great old Fenton pattern was made in more than twelve colors and more than double that number in shapes. The price extension ranges from around $35 to more than $16,000. There is definitely something for everyone! Well over 100 pcs. sell at auctions every year. The pattern is alive and well in nearly every mall and antique store. Of course, if it is the color red you decide to buy, then patience may be required. Some of the examples appear more dark slag-like than cherry red in color. The standard or smaller mug has a slight variation in the design. It can have flared or straight sides. The base diam. is 2 ½”.
FENTON FLOWERS ROSEBOWL: While this attractive rosebowl, having three twig-like feet, similar to the Northwood rosebowl: Leaf & Beads, could well be called Orange Tree; the accepted name since time-immemorial is Fenton Flowers.These are found in amethyst, marigold, green, amberina-red, blue, clambroth, ice green opal, peach opal, red, vaseline, smoke and white in the rosebowl shape. A flared or Nut bowl shape sometimes referred to as a candy dish is found in amethyst, blue, green, marigold and white.
Shows the Orange Tree mug for the first time.
BUTLER BROS. WHOLESALE CATALOG AD: August 1913: displays mugs made by three different manufacturers, which nullifies previous statements to the effect that all glass displayed within a given ad, constitutes patterns from a single producer.
In essence, these mass advertising agencies were given the duty to sell products in whatever form was called for: whether selling at introduction of a complete set/ or at close-out/mark-down prices. If “moving merchandise” was better accomplished by combining “like” pieces, then the effort was instituted, as we view in this particular ad.
POWDER JAR: Amethyst is scarce. Blue, marigold and green are found a little more often. Damage to the lid is common.
SHERBET CUP: or small footed berry bowl? There is a 9” footed bowl such as this 5” size. Colors known: Blue, marigold and white.
LOVING CUP: These are difficult to find without some damage to the handles, but they are curiously different enough in shape to be very attractive to most collectors. White is the rarest color. Amethyst is scarce. Only one or two are known in Aqua Opal. Blue, green, and marigold are not too difficult to locate. One peach opal, and one ice blue have been reported.
Please see: Orange Tree - Part 2
Dean & Diane Fry - 7/05
Although we are not saved by our obedience,
we show our love for Jesus by keeping His commands.
He has promised in return to manifest Himself to us
(John 14:21).
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