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Millersburg - Part 24
M.HOLLY SPRIG Compote. $675., Seeck Auctions, 2014
HOLLY SPRIG Compote. $675., Seeck Auctions, 2014.

HOLLY SPRIG or HOLLY WHIRL Bowl:  Some 10” bowls display this Near Cut Wreath design. That exterior pattern is known on both ruffled and ice cream shapes. These can be difficult to find. Typically, the Wide Panel pattern is found on the exterior of the 6”-10” bowls.

HOLLY SPRIG or HOLLY WHIRL Compote:  These small compotes are difficult to locate. Only about half a dozen are known in amethyst and marigold.


BLACKBERRY WREATH: There are more satin than radium finish in this pattern. Only one blue 7” size has been reported. The larger bowl is found in amethyst, blue, green, and marigold. Shapes include round, tri-cornered, and the large ice cream shape. Edges can be six-ruffled, candy ribbon edge tightly crimped, and the three and one edge.

ROSES & FRUIT BonBon-Marigold
ROSES and FRUIT BonBon - Marigold.
ROSES & FRUIT Bonbon interior.-Marigold
ROSES and FRUIT Bonbon interior - Marigold.

ROSES and FRUIT:  This is the same mould which was used for the rare Fruit Basket bonbon. The bowl measures 5” between the handles and it stands 4” tall. A pear, grapes, berries and some stippled leaves are found in the center of the bowl. The upper inside edge has roses, rosebuds and leaves. The outside handles have stippled leaves. Colors known are amethyst, green, and marigold. Amethyst is seen more often than green or marigold. One blue example is confirmed and another has been reported.

BIG FISH-Vaseline. $27,000. Seeck Auctions, 2014.
BIG FISH - Vaseline. $27,000. Seeck Auctions, 2014.

BIG FISH:  An ad appeared in the Feb. 9, 1910 Pottery, Glass and Brass Salesman for these bowls. More difficult to locate than Trout and Fly bowls, the most significant difference is the addition of water lilies and the smaller fish. The bowls can be round, square or tri-cornered with several edge variations. Amethyst, green, marigold and vaseline. They are known in satin and radium finishes.

MULTI-FRUITS Punch Set-Green
Multi-Fruits Punch set - Green.

MULTI-FRUITS and FLOWERS Punch Set:  More bowls having flared openings are found than those with the tulip top. Green sets are more difficult to locate than amethyst or marigold. Only one set in amethyst, blue, and marigold, having tulip top are known; two in green, and several blue bases minus bowls are known. 1987 was the first time a punch bowl was confirmed as having the Scroll and Grape interior. The pattern resembles a large bunch of grapes and scroll-like filigree. A photo appeared in the 3rd Rev. Ed. of Edwards’ Encyclopedia of Carnival Glass.

Mlsbg. PEACOCK Vt. no bee) Amethys
Mlillersburg PEACOCK Vt. - no bee - Amethyst.

PEACOCK Vt. :  Marie McGee simplified the recognition status for these birds: Peacock - has no bee and no beading on the urn. Peacock and Urn - may or may not have beading, but the bee is always there. Peacock and Urn “mystery”- 8 ¾” bowl has two rows of beading and a larger bee. Peacock Variant “shotgun” 7” size bowl has no beading, no urn, but does have the bee. Peacock and Urn Variant 6” bowl (ice cream shape), has the bee and 3 rows of beading; with only about six examples known in amethyst carnival…….It Is Rare!..(Don’t tell me you have nothing to memorize---LOL!)

Little Stars - Marigold.

LITTLE STARS:  7”-8” bowls can be ruffled, have 3/1 edge or be ice cream shaped. There are some ice cream shaped 8”-9” , along with one 9” green example having radium finish and tight CRE, along with one in lavender. Marigold seems to be the scarcest color in this pattern. Three blue 6” ruffled bowls , along with a 10” ice cream bowl in blue are known.

5 in. Blue HANGING CHERRIES-Hobnail Exterior
5 inch Blue HANGING CHERRIES - Hobnail Exterior.

HANGING CHERRIES:  Overall, this pattern is found in a wide range of sizes/shapes.  Some bowls having the Hobnail Exterior are found in the 10” size. They are rare. Eight or 10 examples known in amethyst, fewer than six in marigold, two in blue and one in green. Only one 5” sauce dish exists in blue.

Blue Rosalind sauce (no photo)

ROSALIND Sauce:  At the time Marie McGee published her Millersburg Book in 1995, the 6” sauce was known only in two amethyst and four green examples in the six-ruffle type, along with the green and marigold known in the ice cream shape. See in our MILLERSBURG – Part 6
In late February 2015, Zella and Doug Perry found a blue 6” ruffled sauce! Where do you suppose it has been “hiding” all these years??
This is our final segment on Millersburg Glass. We could not ask for a more perfect finale’ to this portion of our “carnival trail”! Congratulations to the Perry’s!

D/D Fry, March 2015

Beloved, I now write to you………that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets,
and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, knowing this first:
that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming?
for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”
But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise….but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise,
And the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,
Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved,
being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise,
look for new heavens and a new earth in which  righteousness dwells.
(2 Peter 3:1-13)

Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:

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