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Imperial - Part 32
IMPERIAL – Part 32
Flute 8 inch berry bowls in Marigold and Helios.
Flute Breakfast Sugar in Helios.
Courtesy Carl & Eunice Booker
Flute Nappy in Amethyst.
Imperial’s FLUTE (#700): Punch sets, water sets, berry sets, single handled nappy (from small berry bowl), toothpick holders, celery vase and breakfast creamer and open sugar comprise the elements within this “basic exterior mould design”. This same exterior pattern is the basis for Imperial’s Heavy Grape.
The berry sets are found in marigold, purple and helios. Breakfast sugar and creamer are known in marigold, purple and helios. Single-handled nappy: Since Doty’s site lists only three purple examples sold since 2003, we shall let you decide whether the handles were applied to the small berry bowls by some “go-getter” outside the factory premises??
UPDATE - 5-17-2015
"Single-handled nappy: Since Doty's site lists only three purple examples sold since 2003, we shall let you decide whether the handles were applied to the small berry bowls by some "go-getter" outside the factory premises??"
I have the purple single handled nappy that you have pictured, so I pulled it out of the case. The handle is definitely part of the mold and not applied after market.
Sincerely Gary Sullivan
Optic Flute compote in amethyst.
OPTIC FLUTE Compote: These 4 ½” compotes are found in marigold, clambroth and amethyst. They are about 6”-6 ½” in diameter. There are also 8”-9” ruffled bowls, along with 5” size bowls to be found in marigold, clambroth, smoke and purple. One of these small bowls in purple can be seen in our 1910 Imperial Glass Patterns segment.
Flute and Cane cup and saucer in Marigold.
FLUTE and CANE Cup/Saucer: These are quite rare! Some 14 items were produced in this design given the #666 in Imperial Catalogs. Marigold is the only known color. All items are scarce to rare, with exception to bowls of 4 ½” and 7 ½”. Water and milk pitchers, 9 and 12 oz. tumblers, 6” plate, sherbet, stemmed goblet, stemmed wine, stemmed cordial, breakfast creamer/sugar, stemmed champagne and compote……….(you will find some of these items listed in our pattern alphabet under - - F - -.)
OCTAGON Butter Dish in Amethyst.
Courtesy Christina Kostakis
Purple OCTAGON Salt & Pepper Shakers - VERY Rare!
Courtesy Seeck Auctions
OCTAGON Cup - Marigold - VERY scarce shape!
OCTAGON Butter Dish: The butter dish, creamer, spooner and covered sugar are found in marigold, purple and helios. The butter dish only is also found in aqua.
More than twenty shapes are recorded within this design and the majority of them are considered in rare status.
OCTAGON Shakers: Very rarely are these shakers found in either marigold or purple!
OCTAGON Cup: Is it possible that the 10”-11” round, deep bowls were intended as the punch bowl to accompany the very rare marigold cups? Since no punch base has ever surfaced, it is a distinct possibility.
For further study: You will find many other items within this Octagon pattern listed in our pattern alphabet.
Star Spray plate in Marigold.
STAR SPRAY Plate: 7” plates in this pattern are found in marigold and smoke. A 7 ½” round bowl in those same colors is known in the pattern. When placed into a metal hold, they are referred to as a “Bride’s Bowl”. It is believed that the bowls were used to enhance sale of the metal holders?
Two-Handled Swirl vase in Marigold.
TWO-HANDLED SWIRL Vase: Marigold and smoke are known colors in this 8” fan shaped version of the Two-Handled JIP vase. This is an Imperial design which bridges the gap between iridized carnival glass and stretch glass. This vase mould was used in the 1940s for production of non-iridescent etched crystal.
Waffle Block Water set in Marigold.
WAFFLE BLOCK Punch Cup sitting on a 6 inch Plate in Marigold.
WAFFLE BLOCK Water Set: There are fifteen different shapes within this pattern; marigold and clambroth being the dominant colors. The punch bowl and base, along with the 10” handled basket are occasionally found in teal. Water sets are very scarce in both marigold and clambroth.
WAFFLE BLOCK Punch Cup/ 6” Plate: 6” plates and punch cups combine nicely, but should not be considered as “coffee cup/saucer”, anymore than the one-known clambroth tumbler having a ground bottom should be considered a “variant”. A better assumption: After-market concoctions!
Dean & Diane Fry, April 2014
For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country,
who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them.
And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one,
to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.
Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents.
And likewise he who had received two gained two more also.
But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money.
After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.
So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying,
“Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.”
His lord said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things,
I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” (Matthew 25:14-21)
The parable of the talents contains a profound and enduring message to the believer.
It drives home the point that we will be justly compensated for the use of our Spirit-filled talents.
Both motive and faithfulness will be key factors in how we are evaluated at the judgment (Bema) seat of Christ.
(2 Cor. 5:10).
“Good works” performed in the energy of the flesh or for the wrong motives will be burned up.
But faithful, Spirit-filled service will be rewarded
(1 Cor. 3:12-15).
Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:
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