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Orange Tree - Part 4
1923 Montgomery Ward Catalog Cover
When Montgomery Ward & Co. built the famous Tower Bldg. on Michigan Boulevard, Chicago,
they placed at its top this graceful figure, “The Spirit of Progress”. Beautiful as it is, it was
not planned to serve as an ornament alone, or as a decoration. It was adopted as a symbol
---the emblem of Montgomery Ward & Co.
Progress they did, until bankruptcy was declared in 2001.
ORANGE TREE Punch Set seen in 1923 Montgomery Ward Catalog.
Marigold ORANGE TREE Punch Set.
You know what “they” say about making “assumptions”! We are here to tell you that IF you believe Orange Tree punch sets are “everyday ordinary” items, we can tell you (unequivocally); when you have spent several hours researching that item, you will readily change your mind!
The Butler Brothers Wholesale Catalogs we perused to create the Reprint Catalogs in 1994 included issues from April 1912 through April 1929, excluding 1925 and 1926. In the early years of 2000, we purchased the following Butler Catalogs from Carl O. Burns: Spring 1912, Mid-Winter 1914, Spring 1918, Mid-Winter 1919, Spring 1920, April 1922, along with a Charles Broadway Rouss Catalog, dated Oct. 1918.
Bowls, plates, standard size and shaving mugs, breakfast creamer/sugar, puff boxes, wine goblets, compotes shaped from the goblet, loving cups, hatpin holders are found throughout those catalogs. The pattern was a good seller in any of the above shapes.
NONE of the above catalogs provide ads for the FENTON ORANGE TREE PUNCH SETS!
Had we not discovered the Spring-Summer 1923 Montgomery Ward Catalog in mid-March 2013, an accurate scenario might not have presented itself. Established in 1872 by Aaron Montgomery Ward, the OLDEST MAIL ORDER HOUSE lends new credence to that method of marketing! We now believe that Montgomery Ward and Fenton came to an agreement toward selling a shape exclusively designed for their market. The mould was apparently produced for sale of Punch Sets in that venue only! Sets are known in blue, green, marigold and white.
The Orange Tree pattern could be described as possibly the overall best seller produced by Fenton during the realm of iridized glass. Orange Tree is found on a number of exteriors utilizing several differing interior designs.
WHITE PUNCH SETS are rare when compared to the abundance of some other colors found in this pattern. Existence of white sets indicates the popularity of this pattern spanning a possible 20 years?
HATPIN HOLDERs: remained useful items on many “dressers” well into the 1930s! Foot damage is common and white examples have realized some high prices over the years!
The only known Marigold over Milkglass ORANGE TREE bowl!
We might assume that with the apparent “EXPERIMENTAL” Milk Glass PUNCH BOWL, interest in the pattern had waned, with no apparent further production of a complete punch set on record.
Mid-Spring 1912 Butler Bros. Ad (Frank M. Fenton's ink notes).
ORANGE TREE Loving cup & Puff Box-Blue.
Amethyst is a scarce color in the LOVING CUP shape. White examples are rare. Aqua, aqua opal, ice blue and peach opal and white are known colors. Blue, marigold and green are more basic colors.
Amethyst examples are scarce in the PUFF BOX shape. Blue, powder blue, green, and marigold are more available colors. Vaseline and white examples are difficult to locate.
April 1913 Butler Bros. Catalog.
9 in. Mgld. on Moonstone & Celeste ORANGE TREE IC shaped bowls.
9 in. ORANGE TREE Bowl-Blue & Celeste ORANGE TREE Compote.
8”-9” COLLAR BASE BOWLS can be ruffled, ice cream shape, or have 3/1 edge. Amber, amberina, amethyst, blue, celeste, clambroth, green, marigold, marigold over moonstone, red, white and vaseline are colors available.
Bowls with tree trunk extending into the center area are found in blue, green and marigold. Bowls having the trunk center are more scarce in bowl form than in plates.
The COMPOTE is a ruffled form of the Wine Goblet shape. Aqua, blue, marigold, amethyst and teal are known colors.
Aqua & Vaseline ORANGE TREE Goblet.
A couple of marigold examples are known to have Souvenir of Sheridan, WY and Souvenir of Cambridge, OH applied. Aqua, blue, green, marigold, and vaseline are colors found in this shape. The examples shown, sold in March 2013 during the Seeck Auction conducted in Ontario, CA for the Southern Cal. Club Convention.
June 1917 Butler Bros. Catalog Ad.
ORANGE TREE Standard Mug - Green & White! - 2.5 in. high.
SHAVING MUGS have a 3” base. Colors known: Amber, amberina, amethyst, black amethyst, aqua, aqua opal, blue, powder blue, green, lavender, lime green, marigold, red, mandarin red (dark), red slag and vaseline.
STANDARD MUGS have a 2 ½” base. Colors known: Amber, amberina, amethyst, aqua, blue, powder blue, green, lavender, lime green, marigold, pink (Depression), red, mandarin red (dark), red slag, celeste, vaseline and white.
Dean & Diane Fry, March 2013
Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him,
anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.
And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain;
And it did not rain on the land for three years and six months.
And he preyed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.
(James 5:13-18)
Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:
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