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Northwood - Part 18
Green irid. on Sapphire PCE bowl.-Courtesy Jerry Kudlac
Green irid. on Sapphire PCE bowl.- Courtesy Jerry Kudlac
Exterior-Sapphire GOOD LUCK bowl.Courtesy Jerry Kudla
Exterior - Sapphire GOOD LUCK bowl. Courtesy Jerry Kudla
Vaseline in Sapphire mix for GOOD LUCK PCE bowl. Courtesy Jerry Kudlac
Vaseline in Sapphire mix for GOOD LUCK PCE bowl. Courtesy Jerry Kudlac
Vaseline in mix-Sapphire GOOD LUCK PCE bowl.- Courtesy Jerry Kudlac
Vaseline in mix-Sapphire GOOD LUCK PCE bowl.- Courtesy Jerry Kudlac

GOOD LUCK  pie crust edge bowl – (stippled) : Is it any “wonder” at the confusion over correct color designation for this rather  unusual bowl?
Green iridescence on a sapphire blue base having an appearance of Vaseline? We’re inclined to believe that the vat previous to Sapphire additives, had been for Vaseline base glass. Enough of it remained to offer the combination seen in this unusually spectacular bowl! In other words: vats are not cleaned free of previous mixtures before adding necessary ingredients to (in this case), “make Sapphire”. Example: A vat having clear glass would be followed by Vaseline, or whatever darker color the need calls for. (Please refer to: The Glass Making Process in left column of the 101 Homepage.)

GOOD LUCK Plate IB-$5400-Seeck-9-'06
GOOD LUCK Plate in Ice Blue sold for $5400 - Seeck - Sept.-2006.
GOOD LUCK 9 in. Plate in IG
GOOD LUCK 9 inch Plate in Ice Green.
White GOOD LUCK 9 in. Plate
GOOD LUCK 9 inch Plate in White.

*Reportedly, there are three ice blue Good Luck plates known. We learned from two sources of authority that one sold for $11,500. in December, 2009 during a Clendenin, WV auction. It went home to North Carolina with a couple known to purchase rare and expensive carnival glass. What remains an unknown factor: Was this one of the previously known examples or perhaps the fourth Good Luck plate in ice blue? * IG plates are quite scarce. This one brought several thousand dollars at a June 2011 convention auction. * White plates are quite rare in the Good Luck pattern. Only a couple sold at auction during 2010.

Butterscotch OR Peach Opal - GOOD LUCK ruffled Bowl.
Butterscotch OR Peach Opal - GOOD LUCK ruffled Bowl.

GOOD LUCK ruffled bowl: What color would you BLESS this bowl with? Interesting to say the least. Neither the  bowl nor the three plates shown in this segment are stippled! With the hundreds of examples produced in this pattern, it would be interesting to know at what point in time, the molds became so pitted from the wire brush removal of glass bits, that stippling was applied to extend mold use? Neither Butterscotch nor Peach Opalescent are acknowledged color names for this pattern, but we believe either would be appropriate!

Mgld. FRUITS & FLOWERS VT. Courtesy Don & Helen Hall-1-10-12
 Courtesy Don & Helen Hall - 1-10-12

FRUITS & FLOWERS Vt. plate:  We were contacted Jan. 10, 2012 by Don and Helen Hall, announcing they own the 7 ½” plate displayed here. They began buying carnival glass a couple of years ago, so this is a very nice addition to their collection.
At the time Walt Robinson provided several examples of this pattern toward presentation of our segment called NORTHWOOD FRUITS & FLOWERS, he thought his marigold plate might possibly be the only one known. Since that time, he has acknowledged seeing a couple displayed on eBay. The fact remains: the marigold plates are quite rare!

Verre D’or ad
Verre D’or ad
N. Verre D'or - RIBBONS and OVERLAPPING SQUARES.Courtesy Lance Hilkene.
Courtesy Lance Hilkene.
N. Verre  D'or - Irridized only on reverse
Northwood Verre  D'or - Irridized only on reverse.

VERRE D’Or Bowl:  Only the exterior of this piece displays the abundant overlay of marigold iridization. The pattern came into production in 1907, but we cannot confirm a date for entry into the carnival production. Northwood produced  several versions of this famous pattern using various base glass colors. Lance and Pat are quite fortunate to have discovered this lovely example.

Dean & Diane Fry, 5/12
And He said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground,
and should sleep by night and rise by day,
And the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how.  
For the earth yields crops by itself:
first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head.  
But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle,
because the harvest has come.”
Then He said, “To what shall we liken the kingdom of God?  
Or with what parable shall we picture it?
It is like a mustard seed which, when it is sown on the ground,
is smaller than all the seeds on earth; but when it is sown,
it grows up and becomes greater than all herbs,
and shoots out large branches,
so that the birds of the air may nest under its shade.” (Mark 4:26-32)

Mark 4:26-32 includes two parables -- the scattering of the seed and the mustard seed.
The use of parables was the main approach to teaching practiced by our Lord.
Parables have often been described as “earthly stories with heavenly meaning.”
Jesus’ everyday teaching was to take commonplace things of life,  already understood by people
and use them to paint pictures of spiritual truths. You think your word or deed is very small,
That what you say will hardly count at all; But God can take the seed that you have sown
And nourish it until it’s fully grown.--- Hess
We sow the seed----God produces the harvest.

Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:

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