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Imperial Nucut Patterns
Imperial NUCUT Patterns
Only three of the five trademarks Imperial filed for between 1904 and 1921, were used and then, very rarely. The Nucut trademark was placed exclusively on a line of geometric-type designs made in non-iridized crystal. On rare occasions, some patterns within that line are found in marigold and purple carnival.
(We are not aware of a breakfast set in marigold or purple from Imperial manufacture.) An interesting variation in the shape of the handles shown in the Imperial catalog ad and those seen on the actual glass pieces belonging to Ellen, seem to indicate a mould variation.
The Nucut marks were removed from the molds in 1932.
The Nuart trademark is found on Homestead and Chrysanthemum chop plates, as well as on the fitting ring of some Imperial iridized lampshades.
The Imperial Cross mark is found on some items in Optic & Buttons, Wide Panel, Colonial, and Imperial’s Grape designs. Some items in the Imperial Jewels stretch glass lines carry that “iron cross” mark, as well.
Most other vintage Imperial carnival glass has no trademark. The (IG) trademark was adopted in 1951, and all carnival glass produced after 1961 offered that mark.
Research performed by Ellen Richardson (UK), following her purchase of the three pieces which bear semblance to the Imperial #526 Nucut Breakfast Set, has not confirmed a manufacturer. Should continuing inquiry on Ellen’s part produce more fact in the matter, we will provide an update.
None of her three examples carry the Nucut trademark!
Ellen’s response from the Smalands Museum in Sweden provided nothing in the way of manufacturing origin.
Her written quest to the Eda Glasworks Museum brought the following response:-Eda did indeed make the Breakfast Sets for the Swedish store Nordiska Kompaniet and featured it in their catalogue of 1915/16, listed as American crystal and were not usually in coloured glass.
The photo of the Swedish catalogue page shown below, illustrates the same items as the Nucut set shown in the Imperial catalogue, issuing product numbers as KA25 and KA26. (Actual items indicate a slight “up-tick” variation in the handles.)
The Museum contact stated that the items in blue base glass are probably Eda; likewise with the marigold sugar. They would have been made between 1925-1930, as that was the limited time Eda produced iridized glassware. The Museum contact further stated that Ellen’s three pieces should be considered extremely rare, for he was not aware they had been produced as Carnival Glass (or, as they called it: Lustreware).
The sugar bowl is 3” high x 4” diam.-6” wide to include handles.
Our genuine thanks to Ellen for sharing photos and research information for viewers appreciation!
1915-1916 - Eda catalogue page.
#526 shown Page 10-A-Imperial catalog 104A
KA26-Open Sugar - Blue.
KA25 - Creamer - Blue.
Blue Base Glass - KA25 & KA26.
KA26 - Open Sugar - Marigold.
574 - Nucut line
574 - Nucut - Courtesy J & C Curtis.
#574 Compote: Measurements are: Height-3 7/8”, Base-3 1/8”, Top outside to outside is 4 ½” diameter.
Many thanks to Jerry and Carol Curtis for sharing their rare example of the sherbet.
Left: - Imperial Glass Co. Catalog No. 104A-Page 6A.
Right: - 529 Nucut 10 in. Vase in Smoke - Courtesy Remmen Auctions
#529 Vase: Only on occasion are these vases seen today. There are a few known in marigold, but we believe that this smoke example sold in a Remmen auction is quite unusual. It is a design utilized during the 1960s when Imperial (IG) was being produced.
212-10 Nucut.
Nucut #212-10 - (IG) Compote made from 1967 -1972.
4 inches tall x 4.5 in. top diameter.
#212/10 Compote: This compote sold over eBay, noting the (IG) trademark. It was manufactured by Imperial from 1967 to 1972.
Dean & Diane Fry - 6-10
Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Colossians 3:12-17)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:
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