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The importance of shape dictates an unbelievable price differential between certain plates and bowls of the same pattern. The ten 9” plates discussed and pictured in this series are prime examples of that principle. The bowls are relatively easy to obtain, with at least some colors in the plate shape being next to impossible, especially with the intense interest in the plate shape in recent years. ~~~The order in which these plates are listed is not necessarily the order of scarcity. We’ll leave that for you to decide. Much of collecting is a challenge, while another large part of it can be attributed to “Lady Luck”………


A well-known Fenton creation. With the exception of red, bowls in this pattern are easily found, as are the 7 ½”-8” plates. (Green ones may be a little difficult.) While there are 10” bowls, including some rare Celeste examples, to our knowledge, no chop plates have been found. 9” plates are known in Aqua Opal (one or two), amethyst, blue and marigold. Exterior is Wide Panel/collar base. They are very scarce in any color!

Imperial Grape

Beauty in the eye of the beholder applies here! Helios green, and clambroth (YES indeed! This is a valid color made by Imperial.) It is consistently found within the realm of their patterns.) ….fairly available. Emerald Green, amber and aqua are not so easily found. Smoke color (some examples have been found with the old iron cross on the base) should be considered rare. Amethyst/purple runs a very close second to smoke in desirability and treasure quality. Purple is hot!

Dragon & Lotus

If there is a single pattern designated as “utterly Fenton”, this is the one! Collar base and spatula footed bowls, along with nutbowls are available and easily found in an array of colors. Plates are another story. Collar base plates are to be found in blue and marigold. Spatula footed plates come in peach opal and amethyst—on occasion! Perhaps three examples in each color exist? As for the blue and marigold plates, some years pass without a recorded sale of either!

Peacock & Grape

Bowls in this familiar Fenton pattern must have been made by the hundreds in a myriad of colors NOT found in the 9” plates. Without much effort, a lovely marigold collar base plate can be found. Blue and green present challenge. Amethyst can be next to impossible. There are a few electric blue footed plates known. The extremely flat surface quality of Fenton plates make them quite desirable. They display exceptionally well.

Autumn Acorn

These Fenton plates are not easily obtained. For plate collectors, this one presents a challenge! Marigold is probably the least often found, with amethyst and green certainly “not at the ready”! It can be said that even the collar base bowls are not plentiful. Wide Panel is the exterior design.

Open Rose

Having a rose design on the exterior makes this plate somewhat “busy”. Add the stippled background on the surface roses, along with the lovely scalloped edge, and we have a very desirable plate from Imperial. Their purple plates are “standouts” by anyone’s standards. Marigold is fairly available, with helios examples fairly so, but they rarely have good iridescence. Amber is pretty scarce. There is also a lime green plate known.


Listed in a 1910 Butler Bros. Wholesale Catalog, this lovely Fenton pattern has been around since the early production days. Thistle is a much sought after plate…in any color! They are collar base, Wide Panel exterior in nature, found in amethyst, green, and three known marigold examples. So few of these change hands in any year, that a true count would be difficult. Bowls are rather easily found in marigold, blue, green and amethyst.

Lotus & Grape

A favorite of Fenton collectors, the marigold seems to be more elusive. Green and amethyst are somewhat more prevalent, with blue presenting a challenge. This design exemplifies a common characteristic: the entire face of the piece is covered with pattern, creating an absolute delight for pattern collectors!

Shell & Sand

For some reason, there are more smoke plates without the SAND! Marigold examples are not easy to locate either. Beautiful as they are, they do not cause much arousal of interest. This particular plate-in any color-could be termed an extremely FLAT plate as compared to the “scoop attitude” of most Northwood plates. Radium is a term marketed by Millersburg. However, that iridescent application was not exclusively reserved for their use. MANY of the Imperial pieces literally “shout” brilliant color reflections which can only be termed “radium”! A true emerald green would be more desirable than their familiar helios shade, with purple examples at a premium. Purple plates are usually enhanced with the addition of SAND – or stippling around the shells. Great smoke examples do not command the same attention. It is not a universally respected color. Many collectors do not care for it at all.


A half inch larger than the standard 9” plate, but too small to be considered a chop plate, they can be spectacular in any base color! Fenton created bowls, and small compotes in a myriad of colors in this popular pattern. There is one OLD red plate which has been in the same collection for more than thirty years. Fenton has reproduced this plate in red, clearly marked with their logo. So far as the early production colors go: blue, marigold, white, green, amethyst, a couple of Aqua opal examples, clambroth, teal, and lavender can be found in this very desirable pattern.

~~~~~Happy Hunting!~~~Diane Fry

Photographs Courtesy, Dean Fry

In this life we get only those things for which we hunt,
For which we strive, and for which we are willing to sacrifice.
It is better to aim for something that you want~~~even though you miss it~~than to get something that you didn’t aim to get and which you don’t want!
IF we look long enough for what we want in life, we are almost sure to find it, no matter what that objective may be.~~~from: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE~Pass the Word~~~Ohrbach

Should you care to contact the Frys, their email address is:


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